Little Tobago |
We leave in less than a week! Check out the itinerary to your left ... only a couple of minor details TBA. What are looking forward to the most? What are you nervous about or scared to try? Don't worry: we'll hold your hand! I can't wait to dance to steel drums and eat some local seafood (perhaps at the same time)! Nervous? Me? Hah! Let the adventure begin!
I'm pretty stinkin' excited!!! I can't decide what I'm looking forward to the most: the nature & wild life, FOOD, music, meeting the locals & eating their FOOD,yes I meant to repeat food :-), going on our adventure walks, the OCEAN, salt air & possible boat rides w/ locals :-D Nervous: just for the puddle jumpers. I've got a strong stomach, it's more of the uneasiness of not feeling "in control" :-/ also nervous for my impending "midterms" trying to knock out as much studying as possible by Thurs :-) Just 5 days, 22hr, 46min, 15sectil we are on our way to T&T
ReplyDeleteMy suitcase is already packed and it meets the weight limit! Woohoo! I'm sooooo excited about the newly announced tour of the bird sanctuary with Newton George. And I'm super excited to see tropical scenery, eat lots of fresh seafood, and feel warm ocean breezes on my skin. I'm not really nervous about anything except maybe pulling an all-nighter on the eve of our departure. Haven't done that since my college days. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo excited!!! But I can't get too excited just yet since I have three midterms two of which are on Thursday before we leave! Arghhh. Therefore, I would like to apologize in advance since I may be taking all opportunities to sleep on our way to T&T (on shuttle, plane etc, and yes I can sleep anytime/anywhere) since I may already be sleep-deprived from studying for midterms. o_O Nevertheless, I'm ready to have a GREAT TIME! FOOD! seafood, tropical fruit, RUM (as Valerie would say, I'm totally on-board with you), warmth, new friends, good times, new place, nature, hiking, etc. I could go on forever. I just wanted to say that while observing groups through our meetings, I TRULY think we have THE BEST group and THE COOLEST/BEST leader. Just throwing it out there.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for everything! Just going to the airport will be an adventure for me! I really want a window seat, just for a little while. I can't wait for take-off! I'm nervous ill get sick on the plane but I brought motion sickness medicine! I hope my case of Bronchitis goes away before we go! I'm nervous about the mosquitos as well! They eat me up over here, I hope it's not worse there! But the drums are calling my name and I'll participate in ANYTHING!! :) <3
ReplyDeleteokay so I am soooo excited to see the exotic birds and leatherback turtles.. glass bottom boats..Carnival costumes.. eat some yummy Island foods.. Okay I can ramble on and on... Cant wait to get to know my group members better and hang out with Dr. Brown :D... looking forward to the best time of my life... least favorite... NONE!!!!!